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  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Children enrolled in the Stretch-n-Grow programmes will participate in one session per week. The classes, which are approximately 30 minutes per session, will consist of a warm-up, stretching, floor exercises and aerobic activity, all designed for young children. Please describe below any injuries or health problems which may limit your child’s participation.
  • Occasionally photographs or videos of classes are used for local and national marketing purposes. I hereby give permission for my child’s photo / video to be used. Note: Names are not disclosed without specific parental permission.
  • I understand that Stretch-n-Grow is a voluntary enrichment programme. I agree to pay for my child's participation regardless of absences and I understand that my child will only participate when the tuition fee has been paid. As the parent or legal guardian of the aforementioned minor, I do hereby agree that I will not hold Stretch-n-Grow, its staff and volunteer assistants or coaches responsible for any illness, injury, damage or loss incurred by the aforementioned minor during the programme. I agree that in the event of cancellation, one month’s written and paid notice will be required.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.